The Ultimate Revelation Of Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation.

Tell me one thing, do you feel nervous?
Most of us are unable to talk by putting eyes on someone's eyes.

Afraid of the social situation, do not feel free in public, many situations are there when we  start to feel weirdness. This means that you lack confidence and courage.

But I can tell you with a claim and I have  also scientific proof that there is a thing that will make you courage while talking with, whether it is a teacher or a boss or whether there is a minister or why you are on stage.

If you want to go, you will feel completely relaxed.

You are always looking for something or some magical pill, which will increase your confidence and change your life, but believe it or not yoga is the magical pill, which will change your life in a few days.

    Benefits of Yoga and Meditation:

    So, know how yoga and meditation help us in changing our lives and what are the benefits of doing yoga.

    The Ultimate Revelation Of Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation.

    How Yoga and Meditation help you with stress management?

    Why do some people drink alcohol?
    Because their stress is reduced by drinking alcohol

    Stress is the only thing that does not let you read anything in front of someone, which also spoils your communication skills.

    Because of stress, if I want to tell you to give a speech in front of the entire audience on stage, then you will feel very scared.

    There are 2 type of stress in your life :

    1. Mind Stress
    2. Body Stress

    Now let me try to explain to you  examples.

    Like your exams are coming and you have thoughts that "I have to study now ...." This is the stress of the mind.

    And if I put 10 kilos on your back, then you will feel the body stress at the time of carrying it.

    So the thing is that people who drink alcohol or do some other drugs, they know that they are intoxicated only to reduce their stress.

    The Ultimate Revelation Of Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation.

    Give a person four bottles of alcohol and ask him to go on stage, then he will go comfortably and will happily speak whatever he wants to say.

     That drug completely eradicates the stress of his brain.

    But what if I can tell you that this is exactly the stress-free experience you can do without drugs and alcohol.

    Yes, it will be from the same thing and that is Yoga.

    Telling you a very important thing about your body.

    1. Flight & Fight mode
    2. Rest & Digest mode

    Your body is living in either of these modes.

     You experience this Fight & Flight mode every day, and when do you experience stress:
     stress of study, the stress of the office, the tension of house, stress of outdoors….

    Your body is made to stay in Rest & Digest mode for more time and Flight & Fight for less time.

    But the reverse happens in today's world.
    But if I say that you can achieve this Flight & Fight easily and how will it happen?

     Yes, from Yoga.

    The Ultimate Revelation Of Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation.
    Image source-Google|image by Vijay Diwaker

    Yoga consists of many kinds of Asanas and Poses.

    There are many forms of meditation and By this your mind becomes more peaceful and "mindfulness-based stress reduction".

    In yoga, you hold your body in a pose for some time and hold it and do deep breathing.

    So the thing is that you keep your body in such a stressful pose and at the same time you also take deep breaths.

    The first thing is that the stress in your body is increasing due to being in such poses, but at the same time you are also taking  deep breaths which is also reducing your stress.

    So you should regularly perform breathing exercises.

    This means that even in such a stressful situation, you are learning to keep your mind calm.

    But the same thing will happen to you in real life also means that these things will spill in your life even outside the yoga room.

    No matter how much education or how much work is there, you will not be able to take stress.

    Earlier you were afraid to go on stage and you used to have anxiety, stress, and shyness, but after yoga that would not happen to you.

    I told you that how can you free from stress by regular yoga practice.

    But yoga has many other benefits.

    What are the benefits of yoga and meditation for your health?

    There are many meditation techniques and yoga sutras which help you to make your body more healthy.

    The Ultimate Revelation Of Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation.
    Types of Yoga Poses

    • What you do in yoga increases your flexibility.

    • Your body muscles become stronger.

    • The deep breath you take solves the different problems of your heart and lungs.

    • If you are overweight, you can lose weight with yoga or if you are underweight, with yoga you can also increase your weight as your body gets in balance.

    • Your body's blood circulation increases with yoga to a great extent. Blood starts to beat well in the whole body.

    • Your immunity starts to increase a lot with yoga.

    • Those who have high blood pressure yoga also try to reduce it.

    • Those who have high blood sugar level yoga also try to reduce it.

    Conclusion :

    Now the question in your mind will be that if yoga reduces stress, then what effect can yoga have on your mind?

    The answer is yes, yoga does the first thing in your body to make your mind sharper.

    Yoga increases your intelligence, memory, and focus simultaneously.

    The Ultimate Revelation Of Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation.

    Right now your question will be that at what time should yoga be done day or night?

    So according to me, if you have time, you can do yoga at both times.

    And if you talk about the duration then you can do  yoga for 20-30 minutes and if you have more time, then you can do yoga for 
    45-60 minutes.

    Another question must be coming in your mind, how long will we see all this change in confidence?

    So the answer is that, it varies from person to person and you will notice from the very first day that your mind becomes calm.

    And within 7 days you will feel very much inside and talk about the body, then within

     1-2 months you will notice that your body has become more flexible.

    Yoga has been in our country for thousands of years, but sadly few people follow yoga.

    If you want to learn different types of yoga 
    and different types of meditation then you can join any yoga classes and can learn yoga from your yoga teacher.

    Many yoga practitioners make videos on youtube for beginners then you can also watch those videos and take benefits.

    Thanks for reading this article. If you liked it then support me to spread my words by sharing this post on your social media profiles.

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